Apabila masih kurang dengan contoh Narrative Text yang kami berikan, maka silahkan menuju artikel Narasi Pendek dan juga masih ada lagi yaitu dengan judul Narrative Text. Semoga semua yang kami sajikan bisa bermanfaat untuk anda semuanya.
Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris
Father and mother had two sons named Risna and riska. They both are female figure that is extraordinary. No exception to the child they both were named Riswanto and tukinem. Of some of the most clever child is tukinem. Because it is from birth has been imitating his grandfather.
Husband of Risna is paijo, while the husband of riska is tukio. Their family is harmonious and has a very special family from other families.
Pariman are smart kids. He always rapot division champion if given. Father and teacher mother is very happy with Pariman. Moreover, parents are also very happy Pariman tersbeut child. Have children who are diligent, always helping the elderly, and always there to help her if affected.
Pariman boyfriend also loved him very much, not even shy to introduce his girlfriend to their parents both. Due to the diligent ornag Pariman it is no wonder if many people who like him.
Ditegaskan kembali bahwa dalam Narrative Text ini merupakan sebuah kalimat inti yang ada pada sebuah cerita, jadi inti dari cerita tersebut yang akan di rangkum dalam sebuah kalimat atau di ceritakan ulang. Maka kedua contoh tersebut yang akan menjadikan sebuah Narrative Text. Semoga dengan penjelasan tersebut mampu anda mengerti dan dapat di pahami.
Sekian dari yoedha tentang Contoh Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris oleh Febriyan Cahya Yudha
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